Top Runners' Conference
Charter, version 3.0

Statement of Intent

The Top Runners' Conference (TRC) is an organization committed to the world-wide promotion of the game Netrunner®. Key to promotion is helping fans of the game contact each other.

Membership in the TRC is offered to all fans who are willing to promote the game. Accepting membership is an acceptance of the rules and guidelines of the TRC. Membership in the TRC is a priviledge, not a right. Members acting in a manner not in accordence with rules and guidelines of the TRC can have their membership revoked. A members can leave the organization at any time by notifying the Membership Director.

TRC Policies

Each member is a representative of the TRC, and must act as such. Standards of conduct within the TRC require more than just obeying the letter of the rules. They require that all members uphold the spirit of the rules and guidelines, and adhere to the highest standards of integrity and honesty.

The following policies of the TRC apply to all members equally.

Professional Conduct
A member must always act in a professional manner when representing the TRC. Behavior such as, but not limited to, chastising players of lesser skill, harassing a person for any reason, or intentionally embarassing someone are all unacceptable.
Ethical Conduct
Never offer or accept illegal or questionable payments, such as bribes, kickbacks, or contributions. Materials provided by the TRC for promotion of the game may only be used for that purpose. They are not for personal use.
Avoid Conflicts of Interest
If there is a question regarding whether an action you take as a representative of the TRC is to benefit you in a personal way, avoid that action.
Respect Legal Rights
Do not knowingly violate any law or restriction. Respect and follow rules imposed by any host. Only use trademarked and copyrighted materials legally.
Promote Without Restriction
Do not require any action before, during, or after a promotion. Promotions must be offered freely. Compensation for reasonable expenses can be accepted, but not required. A member may always decline to promote, if he or she was requested and circumstances are not to his or her liking.

Structure and Leadership

The leadership of the TRC comes from the Board of Directors. These officers are members, selected to run the TRC. This charter grants them authority and the responsibilities detailed below.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of four positions; The Chairman, Administrative Director, Membership Director, and Program Director. Each Director is responsible for an aspect of the organization. This is defined under the heading of each individual Director.

Each Director is appointed by the Chairperson. The term of service is one year. A Director can serve no more than 3 consecutive terms.


The Chairperson is the head of the organization. He or she is the final authority within the TRC.

The Chairperson sets the direction of the TRC, and keeps it focused. He or she periodically reviews the organization to evaluate its well-being. The Chairperson must make his or her evaluation public at least yearly. Any disputes or disagreements within the TRC are settled by the Chairperson. All aspects of the TRC not specifically assigned to one of the Directors is the responsibility of the Chairperson.

The Chairperson appoints members to the position of Director. Statements and policy concerning any portion of the TRC are officially announced by the Chairperson. He or she has the authority to assign tasks and/or positions to any member of the TRC. It is also within the power of the Chairperson to reorganize the TRC, creating or disolving positions, committees, or projects, but only with the agreement of the majority of the Board of Directors. If there is doubt as to who is responsible for an area of the organization, the Chairperson assigns the responsibility.

The term of service of the Chairperson is two years. A Chairperson may not serve more than two consecutive terms. He or she is appointed by a majority of the Board of Directors. The Chairperson can be replaced by two-thirds agreement of the Board of Directors.

Administrative Director

The Administrative Director is concerned with the organization or the TRC. He or she is also the representative of the TRC in legal matters.

The Administrative Director is the contact point for other organizations that want to associate with the TRC. He or she tracks all members, what positions and responsibilities they have been assigned, and what materials they have been distributed.

Use of materials or concepts legally belonging to the TRC or others are approved by the Administrative Director. Any arrangements, binding or non-binding, made with members or outside organizations are approved and recorded by the Administrative Director.

Membership Director

The Membership Director deals with the recruitment and retention of members.

It is the responsibility of the Membership Director to keep the general membership satisfied. He or she must contact new members, and retain cells and current members. He or she is responsible for maintaining a current list of the entire membership. Distribution of all membership materials is also his or her job.

The Membership Director appoints Regional AIs and SysOps. He or she has the authority of dictate how cells are grouped by region, as well as create new cells and regions. He or she also approves membership applications, and can revoke membership with the agreement of the Chairman.

Program Director

The Program Director manages all special programs within the TRC.

He or she must report the status of all programs to general membership at least quarterly. The Program Director is responsible for the success of each program.

He or she has the authority to appoint a chairperson to a project committee.

Wizards of the Coast Liaison

The Wizards of the Coast Liaison is an employee of Wizards of the Coast (WotC). This person is an associate of the TRC, and granted honorary membership while holding this position.

It is the duty of the Liason to make WotC's position on TRC activities known. This is done by official contact with the Chairperson. All official support of the TRC by WotC is done via the Liaison. This includes all physical items, like product, as well as abstracts, like ideas.

The Liaison has no authority in TRC decisions. However, the Liaison can withdraw WotC support at any time. The loss of support also removes the official status granted to the TRC by WotC.

The Liaison is appointed and removed by WotC. The term of service is indefinite.

The position of Liason can be eliminated. If eliminated, the official status granted by WotC is removed.