World Domination Finals Round 4: Martin Mueller vs. Frank Gerolstein: 15-13 (Judge: Lukas Kautzsch ) Start: Fri 1998 May 29 19:10 GMT Spectators: 6 *** cadae ( has joined #wdfinals2 *** Esc_Frank ( has joined #wdfinals2 *** SwissMerc ( has joined #wdfinals2 *** Sul_eywey ( has joined #wdfinals2 *** DiDa (dirk.dankw@s2m223.dialup.RWTH-Aachen.DE) has joined #wdfinals2 *** HighFlyer ( has joined #wdfinals2 Game 1: Martin , runner - Frank , corp *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C0-R0, R0-C0' The dice have decided that Frank is corp first shuffling... dealing... [P:C] (Private:Corp) chicago, urban, rockerboy, zurich, sentinel [P:R] (Private:Runner) shredder, big frackin' gun, streetware dist, shaka, skeletons corp goes first sot: d [P:C] holovid a1: ice1 on R&D [P:C] -> sentinel a2: anu in sdf1 [P:C] -> chicago a3: * status: 0/6/4 a1 run hq access? :) yes ;) access Project Zurich! *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C0-R2, R0-C0' :( [P:C] I'm sorry - it was such a nice move with Chicago... a2 keep running hq access? yo Frank says I have to ask that... np otherwise I would need to ask... access Holovid (TC 7) no trash a3 install streetware d a4 3* on sd (3) 2/4/4 sot: d [P:C] marine arcology a1: anu in sdf2 [P:C] ->rockerboy a2+a3: ** status: 0/8/3 sot 1* sd (2) a1 d [P:R] security code worm chip a2 run hq and access access Urban Renewal ;) oh oh a3-4 ** 2/7/5 sot: d [P:C] vapor ops rez rockerboy in sdf2 -4* a1-a3: *** from rockerboy (6* left) status: 0/13/4 sot 1* sd (1) a1 run hq and access access Marine Arcology! *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C0-R4, R0-C0' [P:C] sorry again - bad luck [P:C] sigh! a2 prep security code worm chip trash r&d ice a3 run r&d and access [P:R] Trojan Horse [P:R] oh oh [P:R] :) a4 d [P:R] Corrosion 4/8/5 sot: d [P:C] trojan horse a1: trojan horse (-2*) a2: urban (-6*) shredder, bfg, shaka, skeletons & corrosion go to the trash a3: *** from rockerboy (3* left) status: 0/8/2 sot 1* sd (o) a1 2* for the tag a2 3* on sd a3-4 dd [P:R] stakeout, raptor 4/7/2 sot: d [P:C] main-office relocation... a1: anu in sdf3 rez chicago in sdf1 (-2*) a2+a3: adv anu sdf3 with chicago(-6) score main-office relocation status: 3/0/2 *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C3-R4, R0-C0' sot 1* sd (2) a1 stakeout [P:R] ramming piston a2 run r&d access [P:R] remote facility (TC 1) trash remote facility 1* tc a3 run r&d access [P:R] wall of static a4 d [P:R] livewire 4/9/3 sot: d [P:C] wall of static a1: ice1 on R&D [P:C] > wall of static a2: *** rockerboy (trash) a3: anu in sdf2 [P:C] > vapor ops status: 3/3/1 sot 1* sd (1) a1 run hq and access access Vapor Ops (TC 1) ohh trash 1* ??? ???? That is not correct [P:C] We installed Vapor ops... why? oops, sorry - looked in the wrong window (I'm still watching #wdfinals...) access Holovid Campaign (TC 7) no trash a2 run sdf2 [P:C] now he knows we have installed VO... [P:C] do you want to exchange it for a random node? [P:C] yes [P:C] (sorry - that's the best I can do) [P:C] vapor ops is back in R&D (somewhere, shuffled) [P:C] what does he access now? access Braindance Campaign [P:C] cool [P:C] okay now? [P:C] yeah... [P:C] sorry again a3 install ramming piston 4* a4 run r&d rez? rez wall of static (-3*) pay 2* to break access? access [P:R] data wall 4/4/2 sot: d [P:C] data wall a1-a3: * status: 3/3/2 sot 1* sd (0) a1 run r&d pay 2* access [P:R] quandary a2 run sdf1 pay 1* trash chicago b a3 3* on sd a4 d [P:R] r&d interface 4/2/3 sot: d [P:C] quandary a1+a2: * a3: ice2 on R&D [P:C] >data wall [P:C] nice move again [P:C] not many choices... [P:C] err? you have quandary in HQ. [P:C] yes...sorry:) [P:C] that makes it two choices [P:C] just joking [P:C] ;) status: 3/4/2 sot 1* sd (2) a1 d [P:R] short-term contract a2 d [P:R] jackhammer a3 install short t c a4 2* stc (10) 4/4/4 sot: d [P:C] bizarre enc scheme a1+a2: * a3: * status: 3/7/3 sot 1* sd (1) a1 run hq access? :) :) access access Holovid Campaign (have you been here before?) your hq is like my home :) a2 run hq you are welcome:) access access... :D Holovid Campaign :( try again? :) :P a3 2* stc a4 d [P:R] crash everett 4/7/5 sot: d [P:C] employee empowerment rez braindance (-6* +2*) a1: anu in sdf2 a2: anu2 in sdf2 a3: ice1 on sdf2 [P:C] > employee, BES, quandary [P:C] We risk all... [P:C] I see. I thought about no BES but 1 adv counter... [P:C] but then he would run for sure, now is thinking.... status: 3/3/1 sdf2 is braindance c oh, that became sdf1 when Chicago was trashed sdf1 = braindance (10), no ice sdf2 = 2 anu + 1 ice ok braindance is now sdf1 sot 1* sd (0) a1 run on sdf2 rez quandary (-2*) a2 install r&d interf 4* a3 run on r&d rez data wall (-1*) pay 2* for dw and 2* more for wos access 2 cards access Vapor Ops and... Corporate Retreat! yess *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C3-R10, R0-C0' congrats, lucky you.. lucky and you draw no ice or? nope [P:C] sorry - with that draw you had really no chance at all [P:C] that is part of the game... [P:C] I know [P:C] I tried to explain that to some "NR is skill" players before... [P:C] Yeah, I believe that NR is very much a game of skill [P:C] very much maybe, but with players of similar skill level it's about 100% luck [P:C] but I also found out that especially at this level were everybody knows to play the game [P:C] luck is of very great importance [P:C] :) btw which ice do i trash with scwc 1st one was sentinel, you trashed it... If you´re interested there was another!!! agenda in sdf2 which one? fetal ai? nope, Employee Game 2: Martin , corp - Frank , runner okay, guys - ready for the second game? Yeah, go on shuffling... dealing... (wow, that was a quick shuffle) [P:C] eff exp, chicago, filter, trap!, shake-up [P:R] hq int, wutech mem, fall guy, silicon saloon, vewy vewy corp goes first sot d [P:C] data wall 2.0 a1 ice on r&d [P:C] r&d ice1 filter a2 efficency experts a3 * 0/9/4 a1-a3: * a4: install silicon saloon status: 0/0/4 sot d [P:C] nerve labyrinth a1 install ice sdf1 [P:C] sdf1 data wall 2.0 a2 install anu sdf1 [P:C] anu chicago b a3 * 0/10/3 a1: d* [P:R] valu-pak a2: fall guy a3: run r&d rez? rez filter 0* a4: d* [P:R] shaka status: 0/2/5 sot d [P:C] bolter cluster a1 install ice2 on r&d -1* [P:C] ice2 r&d bolter cluster a2-3 ** 0/11/3 a1: d* [P:R] rush hour a2: d* [P:R] cust pos a3: d* [P:R] short circuit a4: install short circuit status: 0/4/7 discard rush hour and wu tech mem chip sot d [P:C] marine arcology sot rez chicago b 2* a1 install marine arcology sdf2 a2 use cb for sdf2 a3 advance sdf2 one more and score *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C3-R10, R0-C2' 2/5/3 a1: d* [P:R] zetatech mem a2: d* [P:R] edited shipping manifests a3: edited shippen -1* +10* corp looses 1* gain a tag a4: 2* remove tag status: 0/13/6 discard zetatech mem sot d [P:C] fetal ai a1-2 use ma 3* a3 d [P:C] bbs whisp camp 2/7/5 a1+a2: short circuit: zetatech SI und skeleton (-2*) a3: valupak software bundle a3.1: zetatech SI a3.2.: skeleton passkeys (for 0) a3.3.: shaka (-4*) a3.4.: vewy vewy quiet (-4*) a4: run r&d rez? status??? status: 0/3/2 do you rez? one sec.... no rez access (break filter for free) [P:R] sentinels prime status: 0/3/2 sot d [P:C] sentinels prime a1 install bbs w c in sdf2 and rez it a2-3 4* from bbs (12) 2/11/5 a1: d* [P:R] cyfermaster a2: d* [P:R] livewire a3: d* [P:R] ramming piston a4: run sdf1 (chicago) rez data w 2.0 2* status: 0/6/5 sot d [P:C] fire wall a1 install anu in sdf3 [P:C] anu sdf3 is trap a2-3 4* from bbs (8) 2/13/5 a1: short circuit for corrosion(-*) a2: corrosion (trash ZSI) -* a3: run sdf1 use vvq bits to break data wall2.0 , trash chicago -* a4: d* [P:R] newsgroup filter status: 0/4/6 discard NGF sot d [P:C] day shift a1 install ice1 on sdf3 [P:C] ice1 on sdf3 is fire wall a2-3 4* from bbs (4) 2/17/5 a1: d* [P:R] raptor a2: d* [P:R] streetware dist a3: livewire +3* a4: custodial pos rez? rez bolter cluster 7* break for 4* + 2* from vvq break filter for free access [P:R] access 3 cards: marked accounts, setup!, homewrecker runner accesses marked accounts (gets 1 tag) runner accesses setup! (2 net damage) score marked acc. (avoid tag with fall guy), take 2 net from setup (trash) damage: hq interface, streetware dist ouch [P:R] found the only two you'd like to keep again, right? :( [P:R] yeah... [P:R] that's a chance of 10% status: 2/3/3 *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C3-R10, R2-C2' [P:R] are we dead now? [P:R] I mustn't tell you [P:R] :( :) sot d [P:C] homewrecker i know what it is:D a1 day shift [P:C] rockerboy, chance obs a2 install anu sdf4 [P:C] anu in sdf4 rockerboy p a3 2* from bbs 2/13/5 trash 1 card [P:C] trash sentinels prime a1: d* [P:R] bsb a2: BSB (-2*) [P:R] fridge, crash E., wiz book, soc eng, lucidrine a3: d* [P:R] broker a4: d* [P:R] score status: 0/4/10 discard crash e, cyfermaster, ramming piston, raptor, wizards book sot d [P:C] cerberus a1 install anu sdf5 [P:C] anu sdf5 fetal ai argh, we are running out of space...:) me too - luckily Neal is already gone... (in his place is sdf5 now) a2 install ice1 on sdf5 [P:C] ice1 on sdf5 is cerberus a3 2* from bbs wc trash it 2/15/4 sdf3 to sdf5 become sdf2 to sdf4 a1: d* [P:R] tech lover a2: score! a3: d* [P:R] inside job a4: armored fridge (-3*) status: 2/7/5 sot d [P:C] south african mining corp a1 managment shake up on sdf4 advance 3 times a2-3 advance 4 and 5 times score fetal ai 5/3/4 *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C3-R10, R2-C5' a1: run sdf3 [P:R] the one without ice, right? [P:R] yes [P:R] access? [P:R] :) [P:R] :D access access Rockerboy no trash a2: tech lover (-2*) a3: TL [P:R] acc rec a4: run sdf2 rez? no rez access? access TRAP! trash it status: 2/5/4 sot d [P:C] accounts receivable a1-2 use ma 3* a3 install anu sdf4 [P:C] anu sdf4 samc 5/6/4 a1: TL [P:R] DOTE a2: d* [P:R] stakeout a3: inside job on sdf4 (-2*) just in case... no rez access access samc tc1 no trash a4: run HQ no ice...:) access access homewrecker status: 2/4/4 sot d [P:C] DOTE a1 chance observation 2* give a tag ok a2-3 4* trash tl and ssf or not ok....:) 5/0/4 a1: d* sorry.... a1: stakeout :) [P:R] bfg a2: d [P:R] lfc a3: d [P:R] jnj a4: jnj [P:R] mantis, gideon, r&d int status: 2/6/8 discard BFG, Mantis FAL, Broker sot d and rez samc [P:C] trojan horse a1-3 use samc 6* 5/6/5 a1: d [P:R] temple a2: d [P:R] exec wire a3: install RD Int a4: Lucidrine Run on RD Pay 2* VVQ+ 4* LBD to break both and access 2 [P:R] sleeper, rescheduler (TC 3) trash rescheduler with LBD bits 1 brain damage: social engineering [P:R] sorry again... [P:R] we can live with it..lfc or gideons would have been worse... status: 2/2/4 (1 brain) sot d [P:C] sleeper a1 install ice3 on r&d [P:C] ice3 is homewrecker on r&d a2-3 3* ma 5/7/5 a1-a4: * status: 2/6/4 sot d [P:C] on-call solo team a1-3 6* samc 5/13/5 trash 1 [P:C] trash sleeper a1: loan (+12*) a2: gideons for rush hour -2* a3: rush hour (-3*) rez? one sec.... rez homewrecker 7* pay 7* for homewrecker, 4* + 2*(vvq) for bolter cluster, filter for free access 5 cards [P:R] BES, Urban, Red Herrings, Corp War, Pi in the face [P:R] no trash runner scores corp war *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C3-R10, R5-C5' Frank has to think... a4: executive wiretaps all or nothing! access 3 cards access... accounts receivable and... department of truth enhancement and... and... On-Call Solo Team! JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! no risk no fun! :( *** lk_euro changes topic to 'Frank Gerolstein vs. Martin Mueller C3-R10, R10-C5' boy, that was close! I was going to trash my Loan at the end of turn anyway :) very well played, both of you (as far as I can see) yeah...escpecially the 2nd game was good close close no no the 1st one closest! Loony had trojan horse in hand... Yeah but I had to risk it next card would have been BES and I had played everything I had already Thanks for judging, lukas. jup thanks lukas Good game Martin anyway, sorry I couldn`t let you win why not? :) Well,I do have my pride and it wouldn`t have been fair that result leaves you in places 4 & 5 most probably Yeah I´m afraid it does. only if Tobin wins 20-x you advance one place Well there is still Scott who could fall a place? no, Scott played 14-10 tonight And there could be runners-up who overtake us, meaning me most likely no - that's not possible anymore it's only two players with 2-4 record left, and the championship match OK, fine with me btw, if Tobin loses x-20 he will fall behind both of you too he might, I should say who else played? 12-20 would save him place 2! Well, nothing against Tobin, but from my experience with both players David gave me a much harder time 9-20 would save him place 3 Well, let´s just wait and see who would be no 2? Scott 6-20 would save him place 4 ok anyway we will see and watch I will not watch live (1:00 am CET is too early a start for me)... ok see you, i go to bed bye!! bye Well I can´t either /* suddenly German chat starting - translation by your loggerman truly: */ Warum gibt's bei NR eigentlich keine Buchholz-Wertung? [why don't we have Buchholz-Wertung in NR?] Ist das sowas wie Berliner Wertung (Summe der Gegnerstärken)? [is that something like "Berliner Wertung" (sum of opponents' points)?] Ja genau [exactly] das wäre in der Tat der beste Tiebreaker [that would be the best tiebreaker indeed] wäre ich auch dafür [I would prefer that] Tja, Agendapunkte hat auch seinen Sinn, nur waere ich so weiter vorne. [agenda points do make sense too, but I would get a better position otherwise.] und als zweiter Tiebreaker dann Agendapunkte-DIFFERENZ [and for second tiebreaker agenda points DIFFERENCE (AP scored minus AP lost)] Da ich Depp ja Runde 1 2-0 gewann, kamen nur noch Tobin, David und Martin [because of me fool winning round 1 with 2-0 I played Tobin, David and Martin] jedem scheint klar zu sein, daß es wichtig ist, wie dicht dran am Sieg man war, wenn man verliert warum soll nicht genauso wichtig sein, wie dicht dran an der Niederlage man war, wenn man gewinnt? [everyone seems to accept that it's important how close you are to victory when losing, why shouldn't it be equally important how close you are to defeat when winning?] Na ja muss jetzt leider auch gehen, noch mals danke, war ein gutes Match zeitweise und das Andere war nicht Deine Schuld, da bei Karten Glueck per Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung immer eine Rolle spielt. [must go now, thanks again, has been a good match, and it wasn't you fault because when playing cards there is always luck (i.e. stochastics) involved] End: Fri 1998 May 29 22:53 GMT