Join in the Netrunner fun.

Join the TRC

To join the TRC, contact the Sysop of your local TRC cell or David Nolan at

Join the Netrunner mailing list

Netrunner-L is the Netrunner mailing list set up by Wizards of the Coast to promote discussion of and ideas about the game. Currently there are more than 600 people who receive the mailings. Frequent topics include ruling questions, tournament and demo announcements, game strategies, and gameplay stories. Many of the participants in these discussions are extremely experienced Netrunner players, besides the fact that they also generate a lot of general silliness.

To join the Netrunner-L mailing list, send a message to with the message body:

SUBSCRIBE NETRUNNER-L (your real name)

Netrunner is © 1996 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk, and
Netrunner therein are trademarks of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Copyrights in certain text, graphic designs, characters, and places derived from Cyberpunk 2020 ® are the property of R. Talsorian Games, Inc., and are produced under license to Wizards of the Coast, Inc.