Node Rulings

City Surveillance
* When Crash Everett, Inventive Fixer is in play, the runner must take a tag or pay [1] for the additional card you draw. (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
* When using Ronin Around, the runner don't have to pay because Ronin Around doesn't say draw. (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
* Yes, we may interrupt the Runner's action to rez City Surveillance (e.g., if the Runner plays Jack 'n' Joe, we may rez City Surveillance to force the Runner to either take three tags or pay three bits or any combination thereof). (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/17/96) The Runner cannot decide not to complete an action because City Surveillance is rezzed during that action. (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96) If the Runner draws a card without announcing that action, the Corp can still respond by rezzing City Surveillance; "the fact that the Runner isn't being talkative doesn't allow him to get away with drawing without CS being rezzed. (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)"

Corporate Negotiating Center
* Multiple Corporate Negotiating Centers work independently of each other; process each one individually as a start-of-turn effect. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/25/96)

Corprunner's Shattered Remains
* ERRATA: Should read, "When Runner accesses Shattered Remains, trash one piece...." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Cowboy Sysop
* Cowboy Sysop can uninstall itself. (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/27/97)

Data Masons
* This ability applies to any means of rezzing a piece of ice, not just the standard way of doing so; apply the Data Masons modification before implementing the rezzing effect (e.g., with a Data Masons in play, Olivia Salazar would rez ice for (X-1)/2). (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)
* While the number of bits you pay to rez a piece of ice is reduced, its actual rez cost is considered unchanged. Thus, Startup Immolator must pay the normal rez cost, Dr. Dreff isn't helped out by this ability, and so on. (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Doppelganger Antibody
* If Doppelganger Antibody has been installed and is accessed from a subsidiary data fort, the Corp must rez it for it to take effect (as a result, the Runner may activate Speed Trap in response and escape its effects). (Tom Wylie, Pacificon, 9/1/96)
* You can pay the 2 bits only once each time the Runner accesses Doppelganger Antibody. (Sparky on Pattel Antibody, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)
* Doppelganger counters are not removed when the Corp forgoes actions to remove Virus counters. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96) According to R&D, the Corp viruses aren't removed when the Corp forgoes actions because that text isn't on the Corp virus cards. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)

Euromarket Consortium
* If a node that increases the Corp's hand size is trashed, the Corp's hand size is reduced immediately, but no discards are made until the end of the Corp's turn. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/7/96)

Executive Boot Camp
* You may not use the bits gained from Executive Boot Camp to pay for effects which must occur "at the start" of a run (e.g., Siren). (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/14/97)

Fortress Architects
* See notes on
Chester Mix.

Government Contract
* Bits gained from Government Contract cannot be used to pay a cost noted as being "above the rez cost." (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 5/14/98)
* Since Dr. Dreff does not rez ice, you cannot use Government Contract bits to pay for Dreffing ice. (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 5/14/98)

Hacker Tracker Central
* ERRATA: Should say "trace value," instead of "trace strength." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Investment Firm
* You can put 2 bits on each Investment Firm for each bit that you choose not to add to your pool. (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 12/18/96)
* The bits may come from any source. (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 12/19/96) "Note that you don't spend bits to put bits on Investment Firm, but modify whatever effect is putting bits into your pool. So restrictions on spending those bits don't apply. Therefore, you can convert normally-specialized bits into Investment bits." (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/20/96)

Newsgroup Taunting
* The Corp cannot rez Newsgroup Taunting at the start of a run; to force the Runner to pay the extra bit, Newsgroup Taunting must already be rezzed when the Runner declares the run. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/16/96)

Pacifica Regional AI
* ERRATA: Add to the ability line "Use this ability only during your turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96) Neither player can use effects to gain actions during the other player's turn. (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Pattel Antibody
* If Pattel Antibody has been installed and is accessed from a subsidiary data fort, the Corp must rez it for it to take effect (as a result, the Runner may activate Speed Trap in response and escape its effects). (Tom Wylie, Pacificon, 9/1/96)
* You can pay the 3 bits only once each time the Runner accesses Pattel Antibody. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)
* Pattel counters are not removed when the Corp forgoes actions to remove Virus counters. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96) According to R&D, the Corp viruses aren't removed when the Corp forgoes actions because that text isn't on the Corp virus cards. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)
* Remember that the strength of ice and icebreakers does not bottom out at 0; it can go negative. For example, if the strength of an icebreaker is reduced to less than 0, the Runner will indeed have to pay to increase its strength to use it on 0-strength ice. (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Remote Facility
* The action is gained immediately (e.g., if the Corp rezzes Remote Facility after its third action, it can take a fourth action). (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/9/96)
* If, during the Corp's turn, the Corp trashes Remote Facility prior to using the extra action it provides, the extra action is lost. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/27/96) When a card states that you will get an extra action per turn, you must declare when you use it. If something trashes a Remote Facility during the Corp's turn and the Corp has not declared that it had used the Remote Facility's extra action, the action is lost. In 'formal' play, it's not assumed that the first action taken is the bonus action. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/26/96)

Rustbelt HQ Branch
* If a node that increases the Corp's hand size is trashed, the Corp's hand size is reduced immediately, but no discards are made until the end of the Corp's turn. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/7/96)

* If Setup! has been installed and is accessed from a subsidiary data fort, the Corp must rez it for it to take effect (as a result, the Runner may activate Speed Trap in response and escape its effects). (Tom Wylie, Pacificon, 9/1/96)

* Siren can reroute a run that was initially specified as being on one fort, but can't route you into making an illegal run, such as running on Roving Sub illegally. This means that you will run on the Siren fort regardless of what your prep, resource, or program says you're going to run on. (Tom Wylie via Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/6/96)
* If the Runner plays an effect, such as Custodial Position, that allows the Runner some bonus based on a successful run on a particular fort, and Siren reroutes that run to a different fort, the Runner does not gain the bonus. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

Skalderviken SA Beta Test Site
* See notes on Data Masons.

South African Mining Corp
* In order to get the benefit of South African Mining Corp, you must have three actions immediately available to you; actions must be consecutive and they must all be spent on the same turn. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/16/96)

Subsidiary Branch
* Barring interaction from other cards, the Corporation will have four actions per turn for the remainder of the game, including during the turn in which Subsidiary Branch is scored. (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Syd Meyer Superstores
* ERRATA: "A[ction], trash a piece of rezzed ice: Gain 4" (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/6/96)

* If TRAP! has been installed and is accessed from a subsidiary data fort, the Corp must rez it for it to take effect (as a result, the Runner may activate Speed Trap in response and escape its effects). (Tom Wylie, Pacificon, 9/1/96)
* You can pay the 4 bits only once each time the Runner accesses TRAP! (Sparky on Pattel Antibody, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)

Vapor Ops
* The Corporation can use this special function at the same time it can rez a card. (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Virus Test Site
* If it is installed and rezzed, Virus Test Site does 2 Net damage per advancement counter on it; if it has no advancement counters on it, it does 1 Net damage. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/23/96) It must be rezzed to do 2 Net damage per advancement counter; if it has advancement counters, but the Corp chooses not to rez it, it still does 1 Net damage. (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

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