Operation Rulings

Closed Accounts
* The Runner only loses bits in his or her bit pool; bits stored on installed cards are not affected. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/18/96)

Corporate Detective Agency
* If either one of the two resources is Time to Collect, the Runner can successfully use Time to Collect to prevent the trashing of the other resource. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)

Data Sifters
* Note that this operation can be played regardless of how or why the Runner trashed the node(s). (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Edgerunner, Inc., Temps
* The actions gained from Edgerunner, Inc., Temps may be forgone to remove Virus counters. (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 12/19/96)

Emergency Rig
* You can play a second Emergency Rig on a piece of ice that already has Kludge counters on it to extend the number of turns it can remain in play. When the last Kludge counter is removed, each Rig's effect trashes the ice, so saving the ice would require using more than one prevention effect. (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/18/97)
* The Kludge counters stay on the ice even if it is derezzed. (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/25/97)
* You can play Emergency Rig on a piece of non-Kludged ice that is already rezzed; the ice will be trashed when the last Kludge Counter is removed. (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/28/97)

Management Shake-Up
* Yes, you can add all of the advancement counters to the same card. (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
* The advancement counters do not come from your bit pool; bits and advancement counters are not the same. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

Power Grid Overload
* The Corporation chooses the order in which the Runner's hardware cards hit the Runner's trash pile. Any effects caused by the trashing of those cards (for example, the Runner's having to trash programs due to reduced MU after memory chips have been trashed) are handled only after all those cards are trashed. (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Project Consultants
* Yes, you can add all of the advancement counters to the same card. (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
* The advancement counters do not come from your bit pool; bits and advancement counters are not the same. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

Rent-to-Own Contract
* The effect ends when the last counter is removed; this should be considered errata for Rent-to-Own Contract. (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/13/97)

Systematic Layoffs
* Yes, you can add both advancement counters to the same card. (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
* The advancement counters do not come from your bit pool; bits and advancement counters are not the same. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

Team Restructuring
* When the Corporation plays Team Restructuring, we cannot put both advancement counters on one card. (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
* The advancement counters do not come from your bit pool; bits and advancement counters are not the same. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

Underworld Mole
* The resource is trashed before the tag is given; if the Corp trashes a tag prevention resource (e.g., Fall Guy) with Underworld Mole, that resource cannot be used to prevent the tag. (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/11/97)

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