Hardware Rulings

Arasaka Portable Prototype
* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace them from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

"Armadillo" Armored Road Home
* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace them from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Artemis 2020
* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace them from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Bodyweight (tm) Data Creche
* You may make the extra run after a successful run using the extra action provided by Wilson, Weeflerunner Apprentice; there is no limit on the number of bits you can use during the Bodyweight Data Creche run. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/6/96)
* Since the bonus run granted by Bodyweight Data Creche does not happen in the context of an action, it does not occur "during" an action and is not prohibited by the first subroutine on Haunting Inquisition. This means that you could use the bonus run right after a (successful) run in which you become Haunted. (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 8/10/98)

Corolla Speed Chip
* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use the bit, replace it from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Dermatech Bodyplating
* ERRATA: Should say "Prevent up to 1 meat damage each turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

"Drifter" Mobile Environment
* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use any of these bits, replace them from the bank...." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
* You can use the bits only for tag removal, not for activating card effects that result in tag removal (e.g., you can't use these bits to activate Nomad Allies). (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/7/96)

Eurocorpse (tm) Spin Chip
* The icebreaker inside Eurocorpse Spin Chip has all the benefits and drawbacks of any other installed icebreaker (e.g., it can be trashed by killer ice subroutines). (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/18/96)

"Green Knight" Surge Buffers
* ERRATA: Should say "Prevents up to 1 Net damage each turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

HQ Interface
* Multiple HQ Interfaces provide cumulative effects. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/4/96)
* The additional cards accessed do not include cards installed in HQ. (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

Lifesaver (tm) Nanosurgeons
* If some effect prevents the damage (e.g., Shield), you cannot use Lifesaver Nanosurgeons to draw cards. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/11/96)
* The damage must happen DURING one of your last three actions; you can't activate the drawing effect of Lifesaver Nanosurgeons using damage that occurs between actions or as a start-of-turn or end-of-turn effect to fulfill the prerequisite condition. (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/7/97)
* Lifesaver Nanosurgeons no longer has an erratum that inserts the word "successfully" before the word "damaged." (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/29/98)

Lucidrine (TM) Drip Feed
* You only gain one action each turn from Lucidrine Drip Feed; the actions do not accumulate. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)
* The action gained from Lucidrine Drip Feed may be forgone to fulfill a penalty. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

Microtech Backup Drive
* Cards placed on Microtech Backup Drive go faceup. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 4/20/96)
A program that goes to a Microtech Backup Drive can be considered trashed and out of play (REVERSEs a previous ruling). (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/28/98)

Microtech 'Trode Set
* "Ignoring" a subroutine means that you don't even get a chance to break it, not that you just ignore its effect. (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Pandora's Deck
* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace them from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
* These bits cannot be used for SETTING a base link--only for using effects that modify a base link (e.g., these bits could not be used to pay for Access through Alpha, since Alpha only sets a base link, but does not allow you to increase your link). (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 6/26/97)

* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace them from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
* These bits cannot be used for SETTING a base link--only for using effects that modify a base link (e.g., these bits could not be used to pay for Access through Alpha, since Alpha only sets a base link, but does not allow you to increase your link). (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 6/26/97)

R&D Interface
* Multiple R&D Interfaces provide cumulative effects. (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/4/96)
* The additional cards accessed do not include cards installed in R&D. (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

Raven Microcyb Eagle
* ERRATA: Should say, "Prevents up to 1 Net damage each turn," and "If you use any of these bits, replace them from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Raven Microcyb Owl
* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use any of these bits, replace them from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
* See Cloak for notes on stealth cards.

Sunburst Cranial Interface
* See Cloak for notes on Stealth cards.

Techtronica (tm) Utility Suit
* ERRATA: Should say, "Put [5] from the bank on Techtronica Utility Suit ..." and "If you use any of these bits, replace them from the bank at the start of your next turn." Should say "Prevents up to 1 meat damage each turn" (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
* These bits cannot be used for SETTING a base link--only for using effects that modify a base link (e.g., these bits could not be used to pay for Access through Alpha, since Alpha only sets a base link, but does not allow you to increase your link). (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 6/26/97)

The Deck
* See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

Total Genetic Retrofit
* If multiple Total Genetic Retrofits are played, they will all wait for the "next" tag; you can't use them to avoid that number of future tags. (Tom Wylie, 8/26/97)

ZZ22 Speed Chip
* ERRATA: Should say, "If you use any of these bits, replace them from the bank...." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

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