Gridlock Weekend 2

Logo by Lee Myers
Here is the Gridlock Weekend II results in the original Excel format.

Last October 11 - 13, Netrunner players gathered to compete in simultaneous tournaments around the world. This worldwide event was the very first "Gridlock Weekend" event and set the stage for future international competitions.

The last weekend of February 1998 was the second in the Gridlock Weekend series, presented by the Top Runners' Conference. This time the TRC used a standardized tournament format, so competitors were able to compare their performance more readily with others. The winners of the various GWII tournaments qualified for the first-ever Netrunner World Championships, called World Domination, which were played in Netspace during spring of 1998!

Every GWII tournament was a constructed-deck "Highlander" event--that is, only one of any given card was used in a deck. The decks were constructed from an established pool of cards voted on by Netrunner-L members.

  • Gridlock Weekend 2 official card list

  • Gridlock Weekend 2 Official Rules.

  • Scott's report after GW2.
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